For the Past Week...
For the past week, we have been working on a thing we call a Color Project. What we do is take a theme (Explore, Creature, and Disguise) and mix it with a medium (colored pencil, chalk, acrylic paint, etc.) of any colors and create something that was unique and colorful at the same time. I chose to do some type of creature with colored pencils because I seem to have an easy time blending and mixing with them. My immediate thought was, "Oh, duh, why not do a black stallion with the mane all colorful?" But then I realized how I didn't know how to draw a horse. I tried and tried, but it wasn't working. AT ALL. I went and thought of something else. I thought of maybe doing dolphin with a colorful sea or a hedgehog with colorful needle things as its....fur? None of it was working!! I probably sat for half an hour or so thinking. Have you ever had an idea so exciting just come to you that you get all happy and do a little fist pump? This is exactly what happened to me. I got the jist that humans are creatures, too and I thought of doing a girl, with her eyes closed, with a whole lock of long colored/dyed hair. I got the idea from looking through Kristina Webb's instagram page for her artwork. Her drawing looked like this:
I took her idea and twisted it into a colorful girl with a slightly less impressive and flattened look. That is exactly what I had an issue with making her look like she's popping out of the paper. She looks a little like Flat Stanley, but I guess that's OK. I also had an issue with the "light" hitting her face. I couldn't quite get the shading right on her, but I did my best and that's good enough.
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Finished Product |
The finished product, to me, looks pretty well done. It took me about an hour and a half to make this and put my final touches on it. I think the parts I did really well on was the sleeve and how it looks like its coming out the page and folding on her shoulder. I also like the way I made the nose and eye. Those are the parts on her that I am most proud of. If I could change one thing on her, it would probably be the proportions. Her head looks really big compared to her body and when I stare at my work for a long time, it bugs me. This project, believe it or not, taught me how to make things pop out in your piece. If you really like a certain part of your art and that's the part you want the people who see it to look at first then you should make that certain portion pop out of the page and grab the persons attention. It's kind of like an intro paragraph in a English essay. I also learned that if you don't know where to start with an art piece, you should definitely think it out. I started with the hair and I figured out that I made the top of the hair/head a little too big for her body so I just had to go with it! Anyway, colors in art is an awesome way to show how you feel about something. For instance, red could be love or anger and blue could be calm, cool and collected. It doesn't even have to show something! You could just make a colorful piece to make a colorful piece! IT DOES NOT MATTER! It's art. You can do whatever you want with it.
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