70 Million Art Project
Original Image
recreated by Emry Schneeweis, Conner Cunningham, Taylor Bever, and Samantha Galvin
In French, this piece of art is called Le Faux Miroir and is painted on a 54 x 80.9 oil canvas by Rene Magritte. He was a surrealist painter born in 1898 and constantly painted disturbing images. He probably did this because his mother committed suicide when he was young and he had pancreatic cancer. Surrealism is a movement from the early 1920s and implies going just beyond realism. Artists take realistic situations and made a hallucinatory scene that defied common sense. Everyone in my group worked on actually making a board with cardboard clouds and we all worked together to make the board blue and the clouds white with paint so we didn't separate and do our own thing. If I did this again, I would find a better board for our sky because it wasn't quite tall enough and I would definitely find a board that was a little thinner. and maybe work on the clouds a little more to actually make them look like clouds.